Indonesian government who’s led by duet SBY-JK has been totally failed to execute people commendation which given in presidential election at 2004 where they won 33 percent votes of Indonesian. The failure of SBY-JK in their leadership is divided in many aspects that can make a nation is referred as sovereign nation, especially in economic aspect. Sovereignty in economic aspect is indicated by: prosperity of people, and economic of self determination.
When discuss prosperity, sufficiency in basic need have to be acquired. The basic need for human as the civilized creature is education beside food, clothing and housing is actually sufficient first. Government policy to gain oil fuel price make all needs can’t be bought by poor people because increasing oil fuel price can triggering price more expensive than before. Oil fuel in Indonesia is used as primary energy source especially in production process and distribution besides as daily need for household in petroleum form. When the energy cost is gained because of oil fuel increasing so that output price is higher due to producers expects same revenue like before. Nevertheless, producers won’t increase too high because they don’t have more choice cause the transportation cost to carry row materials and distribute their product get same condition so their marginal revenue is decrease. In the consumers’ side, household as buyer suffered expensiveness while labor cost i.e. wage is constant to maintain deeper loss for producer. As the result miss policy of government, after May 2008 sum of poor people grow up to 19 percent in prediction. In the long run can drown domestic industry due to cost push inflation then multinational corporation can exploiting all resources in Indonesia and make it as premiere market.
These effects actually never thought up in national leaders’ idea that just always enrich their self or minimally refund their capital that used as campaign cost. Then if storm of economic strikes in the form world oil fuel increasing, they will save their self first by decreasing subsidy for oil fuel. Poorly this cowardice attitude shown by vice president Jusuf Kalla with his statement: "During the time who enjoy oil fuel subsidy, 80 percent is wealthy people”( Liputan 6 SCTV: May 15, 2008). Actually his statement contents deception because its effect is really felt by poor due to loosing of purchasing power significantly.
Meanwhile, as “pardon” action, SBY-JK operate Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) program as security social network. Nominal value of BLT is insufficient to break oil fuel’s price gain. Each family of poor resident will be paid Rp. 100.000,00 twice in this year so this value is extremely minimum to acquire minimum daily nutrition needs for about Rp. 12.000,00 per family. At the past period, BLT program exactly ignite both conflict, horizontal and vertical between inter social community and community to local government that caused by data differentiations of poor resident. At 2005, BLT payment used to be ended with chaos and not less than 30 persons died and many public facility was destroyed because brutal mass action. This program also build mental attitude like beggar because the resident must be dependent to fund giver.
The next failure economics aspect of duet SBY-JK is economics self determination. Problem of economics dependency had begun from orde baru period when the government permitted western usurer like IGGI, World Bank gave loan to Indonesia. Nowadays the situation getting worse, investment act number 25/2005 permit abroad investor operate more than 30 years and free from nationalization. So how we can enjoy our value added of natural resources meanwhile we cannot process them? Remember, production is value adding process; thus Indonesian just raw material provider than they buy again from multinational producer as ready consumption goods. The multinational capitalist can exploit Indonesia by using 2 form first as Multinational/Transnational Corporation (MNC/TNC) and joint investment with local company especially government ownership company. Oil fuel crisis that knock over Indonesia in the evidence how MNC/TNC in oil sector make Indonesia collapse, so that is irony for the oil source country where Indonesia should get more profits because of Oil fuel boom. The second form of MNC/TNC movement more dangerous than other, government ownership company has strategic function for the nation as guarantor of citizens living so; government Ownership Company has monopoly or monopsony rights and strategic function for national defense like communication, aviation, shipyard, armament industry and agricultural as food and energy provider. Those will be implied to weaken national defense. Privatization in agricultural sector has effect decreasing food supply, when our food supply insufficient because Indonesian cannot control them, implied at hungriness that can reduce productivity so this country will has no power to survive. Privatization in shipyard industry will harm our maritime living because the price to produce good quality ship can increase how much expensive the foreigner want and cannot produce fleets for Indonesian navy as like as government want etc.
Those effects maybe are not though clearly by president and his vice, because the are swung by capitalist agent whisper, even work for mossad (Israel), CIA (USA), MI-6 (UK). For example in case of Dino Patti Jalal, former foreign affair presidential mouthpiece; who had fired because of his support to USA when NAMRU 2 warmly discussed. SBY as former general, in position former chief of territorial staff Indonesian Army could detect every potential treat in form as clandestine agent especially in executive ring. Due to above case, that’s possible that some member of cabinet or more detail in economic team is personnel of foreign intelligence agency, this suspicious can be tracked their organizational experience and track record; what policies had they made in past period? Where country they ever had get lecture? These suspicion based on SBY-JK policy especially in economic, always make Indonesian position and poor resident surely getting worse, and complicated. SBY as the president that voted by more than 200 million population could take coherent action; even give them death punishment for nation traitors.
Finally as executor of Indonesian sovereignty, the government must do anything to make people, nation, and country more and more glorious. Minimally parameters of sovereign nation have to be fulfilled, those are: sovereign in politic itself that cannot be built when our economic is not self-supported, but its nothing without identified originally in culture as national character building or our founding father call them Trisakti; the holy trident to against capitalism. Everyone who has optimistic sense of belonging to the nation believe that Indonesia can reaches that ultimate weapon for sitting in same low and standing in same high between all nation in the world. Who it can do? Just one way to answer that is real action government; no more promise.
Senin, 02 Juni 2008
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